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We are a team of high-level professionals experienced in the translation, law, and economic sciences fields supervised by Perla Klein, Sworn Translator and Lawyer. We offer you a set of services to facilitate any undertaking, thus putting into practice our slogan: "excellence is our aim".


Lawyer graduated at the School of Law and Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.
Sworn Translator in Hebrew language, graduated at the School of Law and Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires.
Bachelor in Jewish Sciences - Professor of Hebrew and Jewish subjects graduated at Hamidrashá Haivrit.
B.A. in Education-Morá Bjirá.

She works privately as a Lawyer.She works privately as a Sworn Translator.

Assistant Teacher in the faculty of Economic and Financial Analysis. University of Buenos Aires.

Examining teacher for the Jewish language at the Sworn Translation career. University of Buenos Aires.

Teacher and speaker at the Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Professional Board of Sworn Translators of the Buenos Aires City) in activities related to the professional improvement, the professional work and the enhancement of the profession, the translator responsibility and the ethical issues in the professional work.

Courses of procedural penal terminology for Sworn Translators.

Courses for the starting of the professional work for Sworn Translators.

Course of crimes within the penal economic jurisdiction usually seen in the newspapers.Course of civil and commercial contracts. New trends in contracts

Universidad de Morón: Professional integration.
Universidad Adventista del Plata: The translator's ethics. Legal authority, public document and private document.
Universidad del Salvador: The translation and the copyright.
Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: The reliability in the dictionaries. Incompatibility of platforms.
Universidad de Bahía Blanca: Professional ethics. The experts' work. The creation of boards of professionals.
Univesidad del Museo Social Argentino: Professional integration in the new millenium.
Universidad de Buenos Aires: Compulsory association to the professional boards and registration. Professional responsibility.
Universidad del Aconcagua: Association to the professional boards. Creation of professional boards. Ethics in the professional work.
Instituto Superior del Profesorado Alte. Brown de Sta. Fe: Association to the professional boards and professional responsibility..

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Phone: 011-5007-3311 // traducciones@perlaklein.com
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